We've had a busy couple of weeks preparing for David's arrival. I can finally say we're as ready as we're ever going to be for this next adventure! The pack n play is set up, the car seat is in, the clothes are ready. Hopefully the next time I post it will be of pictures of the precious little boy inside of me!
We had a scare a couple of weeks ago. I had been cleaning and went to take a shower and noticed blood. Thankfully it was nothing but I must admit it couldn't have come at a better time because I got to take time off while Robby and Bekah were here with the boys. It was so good to visit and catch up with them. Those two boys are so much fun to watch play and Deborah loves her cousins!
My dad came that weekend and Pop Pop was a hit (we called him Papa but as it goes Joseph decided it should be Pop Pop so Pop Pop it is! He took all three of them outside on Sunday morning and let us all sleep in, it was wonderful.
Ryan's parents came down over the fourth of July. We were originally supposed to go down there and see them however, with the bleeding I was informed I wasn't going anywhere until the baby came so they were kind enough to come up instead. We had fun just visiting and hanging out. They never stay long enough but Deborah sure loves her grandpa and grandma.
Deborah is too funny, the other day it was time for her nap so I had heated her bottle up and she was playing in the play room. I told her it was ready so she toddled into the kitchen and looked at me to make sure I was following her and then proceeded to go to her bedroom where she was trying to climb into the rocker. I loved it...she knew exactly what to do it was so cute! She did it again tonight and I just laughed.
Here are some pictures from what we've been up to in the past couple of weeks...Nana is coming soon and we are looking forward to having her here to help out with everything.
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