Wednesday, December 1, 2010


That's how I feel. I'm tired and overwhelmed. I know this is the time when life should be grand and exciting but I just can't get into it this year. You would think this year of all years since the munchkin is here but I'm just not feeling it.

On a positive note, the munchkin is sitting up really well now and loves peek a boo. She can be so serious at times, which I attribute to her father. She'll just look at you with her eyes, it's too funny. Her teachers were telling me yesterday she was in her crib at school just laughing and talking to herself. They said they got tickled listening to her and started laughing too.

I'm looking forward to going home. The time will be short but it will be good to see family and we always have fun at mom and dad's and Del and Robin's. I'm sure Hannah, Joseph, and James have grown like weeds!

Maybe it's just because it's hump day..I'll chalk it up to that and hope tomorrow is better!