Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Oh where does the time go...

I can hardly believe that another year has gone, and yes I feel old for saying that but it is true. The last two weeks of December always seem to fly. We left last Wednesday to go home. Thankfully our parents live close enough that we can see both families at Christmas.

The Hand of God was on us as the weather was bad, our flight got delayed out of Dallas by two hours and we thought that we would never land in Amarillo (finally after three tries the pilot managed to land the plane). I don't know that I have ever prayed that hard before. You couldnt' see the runway at all.

We had such a good time with everyone. Hannah our niece has grown and grown. She is just so smart and fun. She is so happy and definitely a girl, she just bosses and bosses! She got a kitchen from Santa Claus so we got to cook and have a tea party and all kinds of fun stuff. It was good to see Keri and Jim since we hadn't seen them since the wedding, which seems like forever ago. Hopefully they'll come visit this summer and Hannah can meet her new cousin!

Robin, Keri, and I got to go pick out the fabric for the baby quilt that Robin is graciously quilting for me since I have not a clue. I'm so excited because I found these classic winnie the pooh quilt blocks and that's what I want for the bedding. It's going to be so cute! Keri had bought some pajamas and long sleeve onsies for us, thank the Lord for people who have had children as we are clueless! The most special thing though was Ryan's grandmother had crocheted (spelling) this baby blanket especially for Ryan's baby. It is so pretty and is so special, I can't wait until our child is old enough to understand.

We celebrated Christmas with my family on Saturday. I forget how much fun it is for everyone to be there at the same time. Poor Joseph although he seemed to join right in talking and laughing and playing. It's so neat to see everyone grown up. I used to dread the day when everything changed and siblings got married, etc., however, what a blessing to have the brother in laws we do, and it's so much fun to see how everyone fits together.

Bekah and Robby were very kind and gave us a baby stroller and car seat. Once again it's such a huge blessing to have people that have done this before. I'm sure I drove Bekah crazy asking all kinds of questions.

I keep thinking that last year at this time I was in wedding mode, planning the day that Ryan and I would be come husband and wife. Now I'm in baby mode planning the day that Ryan and I will become parents. Next year at this time the baby will be six months old. So hard to believe! However, I know time will fly as it always does and the best thing that one can do is take lots of pictures and videos to capture the special moments, and try to remember everything else in between.

Next week we go to the doctor to see what we are having! I'm so excited, it still seems surreal sometimes and it's definitely time for another sonogram picture. Than off we go on another year with many adventures to come!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Time!

Well it is that time of year. I'm not sure where the weeks went between Thanksgiving and Christmas but Christmas is less than a week away. Ryan and I did our Christmas last night since we will be with family on Christmas Day. It was kind of fun to think that next year we'd have an addition to our family but selfishly I must say I am glad I got one Christmas with just Ryan.

We've been doing this Beth Moore Bible study together called the Patriarchs. I was telling mom the other day how fun it is to be able to read the Bible together and pray together as a couple. I know that sounds weird but it is such a crucial element to a relationship and I know Ryan would agree when I say it has turned into such a special time for us.

As we get closer and closer to bringing this new life in the world, I think we both are beginning to understand just how important it is to raise children in the Bible and how important it is as a family unit, not just church on Sundays. So please continue to pray for us that we would continue to grow in Christ and continue to prepare for this little one by learning our roles as God created them. The man to be the spiritual leader of the home, and the woman to be his helpmate.

I hope everyone has a great Christmas and enjoys their time with family and friends. Make sure to give thanks to God for sending his Son so we could all know Him!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009


We went to granny's for thanksgiving this year and had a blast. It is always fun to go up there and be in the country away from concrete. We missed Clay and Paula and family of course (it just wasn't the same without ya'll). Ryan and Nathan went and played golf on Friday morning while granny and I shopped some. I'm so thankful that my husband and brother can get along! I know it sounds silly but it's the small things in life.

We drove out to Waelder on Friday afternoon. I forget how pretty it is out there. Fresh air, green grass, trees, birds, you get the picture. It's strange because last year at this time pappy was digging out the tank at the Big Place and now it is so full it's covering the dock he built. There were baby calves and momma cows and even some bulls! I always hate coming back to Houston. Maybe that's why I don't go up there as often as I should, it's just so hard to come back here. There's a freedom up there, here people are tied to money, debt, expensive clothes, etc...there you just get on a horse and ride. Of course since I don't live up there all the time it could be more of my imagination but how nice it would be!

Christmas is right around the corner, and we came back today and put the tree up. I'm so excited to go home and see everyone. I'm glad I talked Ryan into flying that way he has more time up there with his family.

Okay enough rambling about nothingness. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and are enjoying this time of year!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Baby Pictures!!

So we had our down syndrome screening yesterday and the quality of the pictures was great, so find them below. The doctor said everything looked good and although we won't get the official results for a week, she seemed okay with the neck thickness that she measured. That's how they test for downs now is neck thickness which I thought was interesting. It was like watching a movie! Although, this child has been excellent so far in the sense of not making his mother sick, etc..he did not want to cooperate yesterday for the picture taking time (sound familiar to anyone) he got that from his mother. I think they woke him up. Anyways, after he was forced awake he started moving and stuff. Well apparently he was showing off because he kept doing head stands. It was hilarious. His little legs would be up in the air and his head was pointed down. I told Ryan that we have a little acrobat. I got to hear his heartbeat which also was incredible. It was so fast! So without further are the pictures.

Headstand baby!!!

Another pose once again with his legs in the air. We think he's going to be tall..although the nurse in no uncertain terms informed me they can't measure until we deliver, but we figure the odds are good!

P.S. We will find out the sex if he is cooperating on January 4th!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What a year!

Anyone that knows me knows that I am always up for the next adventure in life and even planning for it. However, if I do say so myself this year has by far taken the cake. I am thinking about all the changes and how God has a plan no matter what I might think. He got me good on this one but oh what a blessing.

Last weekend Ryan and I went and looked at some more houses in Katy. Well we found a builder we really liked and are now in the process of going through loan approvals and all of that to have a house ready to move in around the middle of February (by the grace of God).

So Sunday night after the whole house thing I was laying in bed thinking that I was late. So Monday at lunch I bought a pregnancy test and low and behold it was positive. I belive I took three more before I called the doctor and made an appointment.

When Ryan came home all three pregnancy tests were laying on the bathroom counter. I love my husband! He looked at them and said well I guess what you're trying to tell me is you're pregnant. Ha!

I went to the doctor today and I am about 6 1/2 weeks along. She said everything looked good and we'll go back in a month for a checkup. She did get a picture (although I still am not sure what I'm looking at) however, it's hanging up on the refrigerator. Our first picture as proud parents!

We are both just thrilled beyond words. Although, we weren't planning for a little one yet, God has chosen to bless us and we'll gladly receive it. Ryan is going to make a great dad as he is already talking to the little one even though I keep telling him he doesn't have ears yet.

We would like to ask for ya'll's prayers especially the next 6 weeks as this is the most vulnerable time for the baby and the risk of miscarriage is high. The doctor did make me feel better, she told me that since we could get the baby on the ultrasound the risk of miscarriage wasn't as high. However, she said it happens so be praying. I'm trying to eat as healthy as possible and I am continuing my exercise classes (I got the ok) . So far I have not had any morning sickness and am feeling just fine.

So let's see in a nut shell this year we have:
Gotten married
Passed the CPA exam and found out today I passed all the other stuff so now all I'm waiting on is for them to send me the packet so I can pay them more money to get my actual license.
Switched jobs (both of us)
Am in the process of building a house
Am going to have a baby

I told God I think that's all I can handle at this point althugh the scripture that keeps coming back to me is God is faithful he will not give you any more than you can bear. That is definitely my scripture of the year!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Busy Season

I have a love hate relationship with busy season. First let me explain exactly what that is...since I work in an area where we are governed by deadlines for about 4 months out of the year I am swamped trying to get returns out to meet the deadline set by the IRS. This year is especially fun because they moved the deadline up a month for partnership returns. I love the rush (yes I know that sounds crazy) of being pushed up against a timeline knowing we have to finish these returns or they will be delinquent. I hate being tired and never getting to spend time with my husband on the weekends and weeknights.

As most of you know beginning September 16th I am starting a new job with a smaller public accounting firm that mainly does tax work. I am excited and nervous but this also means one more month of being busy before the fall can be enjoyed.

Okay off to finish returns so that clients and bosses don't start yelling!

Monday, August 17, 2009

I'm done!!

So I found out I passed the last section of the cpa exam today!! It's like a huge burden has been lifted off my shoulders. NO more studying or working out schedules or using my vacation to study. Oh how it feels to be free free free!

I also received a wonderful suprise from Del and Robin. I had a message from the front desk right before lunch that I had something down there. They sent me a gorgeous boquet of flowers. It was so thoughtful and of course it's always so much to fun to get flowers at work, so I really appreciate their thoughtfulness!

Now I feel like I can focus on tax and further my technical skills there. However, I'll start tomorrow today I'm just going to celebrate :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Okay as excited as I am about my newphew being born I am going to let mom and dad post on all the details since he is their child. I will however share my thoughts. We started getting texts from Grandma (my mom) about 5 a.m. Friday morning saying that Bekah was in the hospital with contractions and Joseph was on his way. I didn't take this too seriously seeing as how Bekah had been having contractions for quite a while. I talked to Bekah and mom off and on throughout the day and finally that afternoon I got the text saying Joseph Howard Sparhawk had arrived.
I can't tell you how emotional this was and it wasn't even my child. I was so excited and happy for Bekah and Robby and so sad at the same time because I was in Houston and they were in Lubbock. Of course that same day work had pushed down an email about mandatory charge hours and working weekends since we are getting into busy season. The only thing I could do was cry and think of a way to get out working the weekend and go see Bekah and Joseph.
Now, those of you that know me know that Bekah and I are twins and extremely close. I was so upset that I could not make sure Bekah was okay myself. So after debating the merits of driving/flyinig/not going....yada yada, Ryan told me to go. I'm so so thankful that I have such a good husband who knows me, and I am so so glad I went.
All I have to say is if you don't believe in God, you need to witness a birth/1 day old baby. He was absolutely amazing and you can't tell me there isn't a God after seeing him. Robby and Bekah make great parents and I was so impressed with how well they both went about their new roles as parents. Robby just stepped up to the plate and helped Bekah with anything she needed and wasn't afraid to take care of Joseph either.
So congratulations to the new parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles....and thank you God for such a wonderful gift. Help us to guide little Joseph Howard and point him to You.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wife's Roles

God has been teaching me so much about the role of a wife. Thankfully this is early in our marriage where I can practice and haven't developed habits yet. One of the things He keeps bringing to me over and over through various people, books, and His Word is that the man is the leader of the home. This is how God created them to be. My job is to encourage, pray, and be Ryan's helpmate. I know, I know, it sounds so ancient doesn't it, but I personally want the best marriage I can have and I know deep down this is the key. When I am praying for Ryan and encouraging him our relationship is better. When I'm nagging or handling things myself instead of discussing with him there is conflict. I'm issuing a challenge. Start praying for your husband. Pray that he will have confidence and a hunger for God. Pray that he will feel the responsibility of the leader of the home and strive to be the best leader/husband he can. Pray that inspite of all the attacks on marriages and family there are today that he rises above that.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Catching Up

So I took my last section of the CPA test on July 3rd. Hopefully and prayerfully I passed. I had that whole week off to study and I used it wisely. I just hope I used it wisely enough. We got our wedding pictures in and they look great, great, great. It was so exciting seeing everything and everyone. It made me want to do it again :) My newphew Joseph is doing good and everything looks great for the due date. I believe his mother is ready for him to come and we're praying extra special prayers down here in Houston for a safe and healthy baby and mama. Ryan's parents are coming down in July so we are getting the house cleaned and trying to figure out how to entertain them. One would think living in such a large city it would be easy but there's so much to do and show off. We also get to keep my friends dog for a week so Ryan and I get to see how we like the responsiblity. I'm excited. She's a good dog and it will be fun to have something different. So that's the story of my life right now. Marriage is still a really good thing and I recommend it highly.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wedding Pictures

I love this man so much
Granny and I

Daddy and I

Ryan and I's first dance

A Week of Wedded Bliss

So we had our one week anniversary last Saturday! We are back in our routine for the most part, I have been studying for my last section of the CPA exam which I take next Friday. Ryan has been busy at work designing and directing a sidewalk being put in. I'm flying to Amarillo for Bekah's baby shower tomorrow so I'm excited about getting to spend time with my family and the Myers family. So I have some pictures from the wedding that I'll post. The photographer said it would be about another two weeks before she had anything and we don't have the video yet since we haven't gotten him the songs for it. I guess even once you're married there are still things that have to be done :)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Married Life

So the wedding is over and it went off without a hitch! Planning a party for 150 people is hard work. However, one more reason to be thankful for many sisters and a brother. Without them it would not have happened. I am now officially Mrs. Leah Oliver and I love it! Ryan's sister gave us tickets to Sea World so we had a good time Monday going to San Antonio and seeing Shamu and the dolphins. I was worse than the little kids with Shamu however, Ryan didn't want to get soaked so we sat in the splash zone. His tail missed us by about an inch so we didn't even get wet. I got Ryan on the log ride so we rode our first "roller coaster" together. It was a great weekend of sayinig vows, seeing family, meeting family, and enjoying fellowship with family and friends. I'll post pictures as soon as I get them back from the photographer.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sickness and other issues

So I'm sick. I hate being sick and I'm as bad as a man as far as the whininess factor is concerned. Also, I'm almost done as a contractor and back to the office. It's not going to be the same though because my two friends aren't there. I think I'm just tired and run down. I had my bachelorrette (spelling?) party this weekend and we had such a good time just having a girls weekend. It was nice to get away! Heidi had her baby girl Hope Marie and posted pictures. I can't wait to see her, she is adorable with that head of hair and face. It makes me want a baby (shh don't tell Ryan). Although, as he would say one step at a time Leah we're not even married yet! So it's a lot like Christmas around here in some ways because the UPS guy comes it seems like every day with a package for us. I love opening them!! See below for some pictures of my shower in Borger that was absolutely just wonderful!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


So I love to read other peoples blogs (even those people I don't know) and I think it would be fun to blog so I'm going to give it a try. I have been planning a wedding for almost the past year and it's coming up in 60 days! As the day draws closer it's so easy to get consumed with all the details and the actual day rather than focusing on the meaning of a wedding and the emotions that come along with it. I know that giving up my last name is going to be hard. I'm independent and I like being a Purswell. I feel like there is no time to grieve that or deal with the emotions that go along with becoming an Oliver. Also, just the huge committment that marriage is. I know Ryan is who I want to marry and who God has picked out for me but it's almost like we can't enjoy that knowledge because of all the small wedding details. I guess in the next 60 days I will do my best in between showers and planning to try and become as emotionally prepared as possible!