Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Busy Season

I have a love hate relationship with busy season. First let me explain exactly what that is...since I work in an area where we are governed by deadlines for about 4 months out of the year I am swamped trying to get returns out to meet the deadline set by the IRS. This year is especially fun because they moved the deadline up a month for partnership returns. I love the rush (yes I know that sounds crazy) of being pushed up against a timeline knowing we have to finish these returns or they will be delinquent. I hate being tired and never getting to spend time with my husband on the weekends and weeknights.

As most of you know beginning September 16th I am starting a new job with a smaller public accounting firm that mainly does tax work. I am excited and nervous but this also means one more month of being busy before the fall can be enjoyed.

Okay off to finish returns so that clients and bosses don't start yelling!


  1. Well, I accidentally erased my original comment...stupid blogspace wants to make sure I'm not a bot!!! Anyway, I am glad that you love your job & it's not crazy that you love the rush. I can't wait to finish school & be a job lover too, although the longer I am in school the more I realize that I've only just begun....

  2. Sarah You crack me up! I can hear you saying your comment.

    Congrats Leah! I knew you were considering the job but didn't know you had decided to go ahead. Hope it works out wonderful.
