Thursday, January 28, 2010

Daycare, House, and Hormones

So we found a daycare for Miss Deborah. This makes her mommy very happy and I'm excited to say it's a church daycare, that is about a ten minute drive from my office. That in itself is a huge thing since we're in Houston everything is far away. We're very grateful that God opened this path for us and on top of that, Grandma and Nana are going to be watching her the first two weeks in August so that we could put her in this daycare. I'm so grateful that my mom and Ryan's mom can do this for us. It's really nice to have parents that can help.

We close on our house February 23rd. It's been so much fun going after church and looking at the progress they have made. Ryan was a champ and got the storage building cleaned out last Saturday with absolutely no help from me. I have most of the apartment packed and so now we're just waiting.

The past two weeks have been rough, emotionally and especially hormonally. I did feel better though after talking to Lori when she informed me that pregnant women are truly insane. That is exactly how I feel, insane. I go back to the doctor on Monday and we get to see Miss Deborah on the 16th of February so that will be fun. I'll post pictures this time. Last time we went the technician didn't do a very good job and so there was nothing to post. This time I'm going to ask for one that is zoomed out and you can see all of her.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

It's a Girl!

Okay, I'm sure anyone that reads this already knows that by now, however, this is my log so to speak so I'm recording it to be forever saved in the never never land of the internet.

Miss Deborah Lucille will be here some time in late May and I think her mother and daddy are now in the mode of holy crap there are so many decisions to be made! We did get one thing checked off the list, we went and registered at Target today.

This week has been rough on me, I'm not sure why, but I've been really grumpy and generally depressed. I keep telling myself there is absolutely no reason to feel this way, I have an incredible husband, we're building a house, and we're going to have a baby, along with a million other things that I am thankful for, however, I just could not shake it.

Hopefully, things will be better next week, as work should be picking up. It's time, a break is good but it's now time to be busy again!

Tuesday when we found out that Deborah would be joining us, I went to Target and bought some girl clothes and two woobies...which are like security blankets with a stuffed animal on them? It's hard to explain but I love them and so does Joseph so Deborah must have them :)