Anyone that knows me knows that I am always up for the next adventure in life and even planning for it. However, if I do say so myself this year has by far taken the cake. I am thinking about all the changes and how God has a plan no matter what I might think. He got me good on this one but oh what a blessing.
Last weekend Ryan and I went and looked at some more houses in Katy. Well we found a builder we really liked and are now in the process of going through loan approvals and all of that to have a house ready to move in around the middle of February (by the grace of God).
So Sunday night after the whole house thing I was laying in bed thinking that I was late. So Monday at lunch I bought a pregnancy test and low and behold it was positive. I belive I took three more before I called the doctor and made an appointment.
When Ryan came home all three pregnancy tests were laying on the bathroom counter. I love my husband! He looked at them and said well I guess what you're trying to tell me is you're pregnant. Ha!
I went to the doctor today and I am about 6 1/2 weeks along. She said everything looked good and we'll go back in a month for a checkup. She did get a picture (although I still am not sure what I'm looking at) however, it's hanging up on the refrigerator. Our first picture as proud parents!
We are both just thrilled beyond words. Although, we weren't planning for a little one yet, God has chosen to bless us and we'll gladly receive it. Ryan is going to make a great dad as he is already talking to the little one even though I keep telling him he doesn't have ears yet.
We would like to ask for ya'll's prayers especially the next 6 weeks as this is the most vulnerable time for the baby and the risk of miscarriage is high. The doctor did make me feel better, she told me that since we could get the baby on the ultrasound the risk of miscarriage wasn't as high. However, she said it happens so be praying. I'm trying to eat as healthy as possible and I am continuing my exercise classes (I got the ok) . So far I have not had any morning sickness and am feeling just fine.
So let's see in a nut shell this year we have:
Gotten married
Passed the CPA exam and found out today I passed all the other stuff so now all I'm waiting on is for them to send me the packet so I can pay them more money to get my actual license.
Switched jobs (both of us)
Am in the process of building a house
Am going to have a baby
I told God I think that's all I can handle at this point althugh the scripture that keeps coming back to me is God is faithful he will not give you any more than you can bear. That is definitely my scripture of the year!
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3 years ago